“People start planning their next move ‘just in case,’ and their planning is based on fear and loss.” – Dr. Hattabaugh
“People start planning their next move ‘just in case,’ and their planning is based on fear and loss.” – Dr. Hattabaugh
“If you don’t know how serious the hour is, you’ll stay asleep.” – Dr. Hattabaugh
“When you fear, that means your attention just moved.” – Dr. Hattabaugh
“Who cares about giants when you’ve got God.” – Dr. Hattabaugh
“We are not going to default to fear. We will default to faith.” – Dr. Hattabaugh
“Don’t let what you have become common.” – Pastor Angie Hattabaugh
“When you choose to forgive, you attach yourself to love.” – Dr. Hattabaugh