“People who struggle with mental things, they don’t do much of this work in the spirit.” – Dr. Hattabaugh
“People who struggle with mental things, they don’t do much of this work in the spirit.” – Dr. Hattabaugh
“How much do you pray in the Spirit?” – Dr. Hattabaugh
“You can’t pray little and expect much.” – Pastor Angie
“Your asking keeps pace with your faith. As your faith grows, your asking grows.” – Dr. Hattabaugh
“When we are praying the Word, we are praying from a place of victory.” – Dr. Hattabaugh
“There must first be a pursing before you will ever have a knowing.” – Dr. Hattabaugh
“What would our life look like if knowing Him was our greatest priority?.” – Dr. Hattabaugh
“Worship blesses the Lord but in turn increases us.” – Dr. Hattabaugh
“Shouldn’t we live our lives with more aware of what His interests are?” – Dr. Hattabaugh
“If the devil can keep you prayerless, he has succeeded in making you powerless.” – Pastor Angie